On the off chance that you’re a private company, negative surveys on Google can be particularly obliterating, and you can’t easily overlook a terrible Google survey. It’s time to get up and drive if you haven’t been looking at your Google reviews. We are here to help you with reputation management if you don’t have time for it. However, assuming you do, the following advice can help ensure that your company’s Google reviews are a more accurate reflection of it.


On Google, reputation management is an ongoing process. Never just respond to negative reviews. You ought to make it a point to respond to each and every review, positive or negative, whenever it’s appropriate. Indeed, even in the situations where nothing was said, however somebody left you stars- – answer. In cases where nothing was said, you can encourage additional feedback by asking reviewers questions about the products or services they received. All audits (particularly ones that reference your items and administrations) help your nearby Web optimization rankings as well as give potential leads more data about what you do.

Some data from BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey for 2023 are presented here.

98% of individuals read audits for neighborhood administrations
87% of buyers utilized Google to assess neighborhood organizations in 2022
Nonetheless, the level of individuals who leave audits is little, so regrettable surveys stick out. You should respond to every review for the following reasons: to provide context for negative reviews (regardless of the circumstances), to inform customers that you read and care about reviews, and to encourage customers to leave reviews.


Clearly, not all negative reviews are fabricated. You might find reviews written by actual customers who had a bad experience. Do not disregard these. Answer the survey on Google, and afterward circle back to that miserable client with a call (if conceivable) to guarantee they feel appreciated and attempt to cure what is happening. Leave your contact information (or information for the manager or owner if you don’t have it) and ask them to get in touch with you so you can make things right. HOW TO DEAL WITH OR REMOVE FAKE NEGATIVE GOOGLE REVIEWS.

To respond appropriately, take the following steps:

Say thanks to them for getting some margin to audit
Apologize that their experience didn’t live up to their assumptions and let them in on that you hear what they are talking about
Offer any clarification or setting (without sounding protective or limiting their sentiments)
Make sense of that their experience doesn’t satisfy your guidelines or assumptions
Offer ways of making it right — you may very well request that they call you straightforwardly so you can talk about how to make it right
Ideally? You collaborate with them to rectify the situation, and they update their review. Assuming the worst? Because they see that you care, people who read the reviews are more likely to overlook the bad ones.


When someone taints your company’s reputation and pretends to have done business with you, it’s one of the most frustrating things you can do. Google does have a feature that can be used to request that fake reviews be removed, but using it can be a little difficult.

Before taking any action, be sure to check if you think you have a fake Google review. To decide whether it’s phony, consider:

Are they included in your point of sale or CRM software? If not, they probably won’t buy from you.
Is it documented that they have contacted customer service? On the off chance that not, suggest they do as such in your reaction with an immediate connection to contact client support.

Do they not provide specific information, such as the employee who assisted them? They may simply not recollect the name of the worker, yet normally in the event that somebody has a terrible encounter, they observe names.

Has there been a sudden increase in the number of negative reviews? It may be the case that a contender or spammer is after you.

In their negative review, did the reviewer recommend a competitor? Typically, this is a clear indication that a rival is behind the review.

How to Report a Fake Google Review

To begin, you must have your business claimed and logged into your Google My Business account. Not as yet set up? Start by following these steps.)

After that, either search for your business using Google Search or click “View my Profile.”

Select “Report Review” by clicking the three dots that are vertical. You will be taken to a list of reasons to report by clicking this. Since “fake” is not specifically available, “Off topic” comes closest. You can select “Conflict of interest” if you are certain that it is coming from a competitor.

Assuming a contender is behind the phony negative surveys, a quicker strategy is to reach them and solicitation that they stop the action and eliminate the phony surveys. You can always report them to the Better Business Bureau and your local Chamber of Commerce if they don’t.

Google Support, which is essentially the same as using the Google Search or Map view, is another way to request removal. HOW TO DEAL WITH OR REMOVE FAKE NEGATIVE GOOGLE REVIEWS.

How to Report Negative Google Reviews

The best way to demand that a negative Google survey be eliminated is assuming it disregards Google’s rules. The same steps must be followed to report these reviews, and the reasons for reporting are as follows:

Harassment or bullying, discrimination, or hate speech, and the disclosure of personal information


Sadly, negative reviews are not always removed, particularly when it is not immediately apparent that they are fake or malicious. Additionally, some of the methods of contact have been modified or eliminated by Google. As of now, the main accessible choice to attempt to heighten the issue is to utilize the contact structure through Google My Business support.

It would be ideal for you to likewise answer expertly and compassionate to the audit being referred to and make sense of that you accept they have surveyed some unacceptable business. This is more for the benefit of the readers of the review than anything else. You could possibly say, “Hello!” We’d like to learn more about this, but we can’t seem to find your information in our system. Kindly write to us at XX.

Or, if you think they reviewed the wrong company by accident, you can gently point that out and provide specifics (for example, we don’t have a salesperson with that name, or we don’t open on Mondays). Again, your intention with everything you say here is to assist potential customers in comprehending the context of negative reviews.


In conclusion? Your company will continue to operate despite one or more negative reviews. This is especially true if you respond to all of the positive and negative reviews you receive and make sure you are visible in your reviews.

Because they are aware that bad reviews do occur and that every business has dissatisfied customers, potential customers are savvy. In fact, businesses with only positive reviews have a much higher level of skepticism among customers! Your best bet is to respond to the negative review and encourage all of your customers to leave reviews so that your Google reviews better reflect the actual experiences of your clients.

When it comes right down to it, positive reviews can outweigh negative ones. Continuously request that your cheerful clients leave Google surveys about your items and administrations! These positive feelings have the potential to significantly boost your local SEO and persuade others to do business with you. HOW TO DEAL WITH OR REMOVE FAKE NEGATIVE GOOGLE REVIEWS.

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